Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The First Time We Met....

Petey and I met for the first time on February 25, 2010. My friends Alyssa, Laura, Desiree, and Bailey needed somewhere to watch the Utah State vs. Hawaii basketball game that was in Hawaii. The only way to watch that game was to buy it via Hawaii's website and stream it online. Alyssa, Laura, and Desiree had a group of Aggie-fan guy friends that said that they would purchase the game and that we could watch the game too. When we got to the boy's apartment we met a bunch of guys; Petey, Ryan, Jason, Colin, and Nate (maybe even more people, but I can't remember :) ) My first thought of Petey was that he was really funny and just a easy going guy...just what I've always wanted)! After this initial meeting my girlfriends and I started to hang out with those guys a lot. At first I only thought of Petey as a friend, but that changed after about a month-ish. My girlfriends and I would always joke with Petey saying that we were his mistress, booty call, wife, etc....I always said that I was his fiancee, which a year later turned out to be true :) !!!! Petey and I started to text a lot, which consisted of us mostly joking around with each other. Everything started to change around my birthday in April. We had started to text a lot more and our conversations had turned into more serious ones. For my birthday he gave me chap-stick, gum, and the movie Sherlock Holmes (which I told him I had wanted...what a good was so nice of him to get me anything at all)! I knew then that he actually listened to what I had to say and that he was starting to genuinely care about me, and I was feeling the same way towards him. Our first kiss was about 2 weeks after my birthday and that story will be posted NEXT TIME....

1 comment:

  1. YAY! I love your blog. And the stories of you and Petey. I can't wait for more! You are great!
